Date and Time
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Cisco WebEX webinar
Virtual Event on Webex
Details will be distributed in the registration confirmation.
Members: No Charge but registration is required.
Future Members: $15
Contact Information
Ian Mooers - 859-225-0006
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Trade Chat: Supply Chain Outlook for 2021
Please join us on January 26th for an engaging panel discussion on the outlook for domestic and global Supply Chains in 2021. Covid-19 has greatly affected supply chains both domestic and international. We may never go back to normal, as managers have adapted to new realities that forced changes to supply chain operations. The conversation will focus on the impact that covid-19 has had on both domestic and international supply chains, the changes that companies made to their supply chains to keep operations and product flowing, what will keep supply chain managers on their toes in 2021, the reality of onshoring, and what "normal" might look like for supply chains in 2021.
Our panelists will frame this discussion around the following points:
- What supply chain disruptions/difficulties did you encounter during this past year?
- What did you learn from these disruptions/difficulties?
- What permanent changes have you made to address these disruptions/difficulties?
- What potential disruptions/difficulties do you anticipate for 2021?
- What is your current view regarding onshoring or dual sourcing?
MODERATOR: Patrick Brown, Principal, Blue & Co (BIO)
- Steven Flanagan, Director, Global Procurement - Big Ass Fans (BIO)
- Jonathan Noland, Warehouse/Inventory Control Manager - Carrier Vibrating Equipment (BIO)
- Judy Huang, CEO, of 889 Global Solutions (BIO)
About Trade Chat:
As a member of the regional trade community, Trade Chat was designed with you, the trade practitioner in mind. This free to members, monthly call will provide industry professionals a forum to discuss the day-to-day challenges you and others face in the execution of your import/export operations.
*This seminar is an approved STEP Grant reimbursement. If you have not applied for the STEP (State Trade and Export Promotion), please visit the Kentucky Export Initiative website for more information: Click here to learn more about the STEP Grant.