Date and Time
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023 Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Registration and continental breakfast will begin at 7:00 a.m. on September 19, 2023. The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. each day
The Brown Hotel
Louisville, KY
Rates start at $189. To book a room at The Brown Hotel, click here for the seminar rate.
Cost: Members and Future Members $625
Registration fee does not include accommodations.
No refunds after August 15, 2023
Contact Information
Omar Ayyash
Send Email

The Bureau of Industry and Security
Outreach and Educational Services Division
Cosponsored by: World Trade Center Kentucky
Complying with U.S. Export ControlsOutreach and Educational Services Division
Cosponsored by: World Trade Center Kentucky
The two-day program is led by BIS's professional counseling staff and provides an in-depth examination of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The program will cover the information exporters need to know to comply with U.S. export control requirements on commercial goods. We will focus on what items and activities are subject to the EAR; steps to take to determine the export licensing requirements for your item; how to determine your export control classification number (ECCN); when you can export or reexport without applying for a license; export clearance procedures and record keeping requirements; and real life examples in applying this information. Presenters will conduct a number of "hands-on" exercises that will prepare you to apply the regulations to your own company's export activities. This program is well suited for those who need a comprehensive understanding of their obligations under the EAR. Technical, policy, and enforcement professionals from BIS, as well as specialists from other agencies such as the Bureau of the Census, will participate.
About the Instructors
The instructors are experienced export policy specialists, engineers, and enforcement personnel from BIS's Washington, D.C. headquarters and field offices, as well as representatives from other U.S. government agencies as appropriate. The instructors will be available throughout the seminar to answer your questions on how the export regulations affect the export activities of your organization or client.
*This certification is an approved STEP Grant reimbursement. If you have not applied for the STEP (State Trade and Export Promotion), please visit for more information.